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Quad biking Jinja: Adrenaline capital

Quad biking is an extreme experience that is done in Jinja alongside river Nile banks, farmlands of tea and sugar plantations, forests, and small villages that are less congested. Participants number is unlimited; however, all participants in the quad biking must be at least 7 to 12 years old for the kid’s quad circuit and adults 13 years and older. The most exciting time to experience and feel the quad biking adventure is during the rainy season, as muddy paths and trails make it more enjoyable as the bikes slide off the ground, although caution is needed as mud could hit fellow bikers behind.

When it’s rainy, the area creates a scenic view of the countryside surrounding and hearing the beautiful sounds of birds in the background. However, the worst time is during the dry seasons, as the trails are filled with too much dust, making a nightmare for fellow bikers behind the trails. For quad biking to commence, a 30-to-35-minute briefing and training session is done at no cost to ensure safety guidelines are taken into account and how to operate the quad bike.

Putting that into consideration, all the participants are provided protective gear like gumboots, helmets, overalls, and goggles that are used during the quad biking experience. Quad biking is categorized into four types, and each has its own level and hours of biking adventure experience, starting from 1 to four hours depending on the number and age of the participants in each group. All the biking has two sessions that start at 8:15am and 4:45pm.

Quad biking categorizes and levels

  • Kyabirwa village tour: it’s one of the easiest quad biking adventures and the river Nile and most suitable for short-term participants. It’s a one-hour quad bike as you experience the source of the Nile.
  • The Nile Safari: It’s three hours of biking, which includes trails to farmlands, forest areas, and small villages.
  • The explore safari: it’s two hours of biking with routes of the Nile downstream from Bujagali to Softpower’s Amagezi education center through Kyabirwa village.
  • Kids Quads Circuit is a 35-minute briefing and training session for kids who are 7 to 12 years old, and if the participants can’t ride the bikes, trainers’ rides carefully with them on the same bike for experience.

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