Uganda Giraffes, Uganda is one of the very few countries in the whole world blessed to have Giraffes. The Rothschild giraffes are only found in Uganda and Kenya. They are easily distinguished by the paler less jagged coloring of their coat and they are also taller than any other specie reaching up to 5.90 meters tall (19 .7 feet), the males are also known to be bigger than the females.
There are different types of giraffe species but the type of giraffe species found in Uganda is known as the ROTHSCHILD Uganda Giraffe. In Uganda, Giraffes can only be found in the parks below:

1) Giraffes in Murchison falls National Park
Murchison falls has the highest concentration of giraffes in Uganda, in the northern part of the river Nile. This is the best location to view the giraffes.
2) Giraffes in Kidepo Valley National Park
This park provides one of the best and most unique giraffe viewing experiences in Uganda. Since it is sparsely populated by both tourists and vegetation, it makes it easy to see these tall creatures roam the outstretched savannas in the distance without any distractions.
3) Giraffes in Lake Mburo National Game Park
This has 15 giraffes which were recently trans-located there from Murchison falls to help restock This park has 15 Uganda giraffes that were recently translocated from Murchison falls to help restock and diversify these animals, Lake Mburo is ideal for giraffes since it has many acacia shrubs on which Giraffes are known to feed. The Rothschild giraffe species also known as the Ugandan giraffe or the Baringo giraffe, is one of the most endangered species with only 1500 giraffes of its kind left in the wild due to the loss of habitat and poaching. But this has not been carefully paid attention to which has led to what is called the “SILENT EXTINCTION”.
The Rothschild giraffe is only found in Uganda and Kenya. They are easily distinguished by the paler less jagged colouring of their coat and they are also taller than any other specie reaching up to 5.90 meters tall ( 19.7 feet ), The males are also known to be bigger than the female.